ESPRESSIONI FESTIVAL is clearly plotting a strategic innovation for a creative Europe that will help realise the renowed Lisbon Strategy's targets. It will particularly contribute to European growth of quality of European audiovisual production, stimulate innovation in other cultural and video sectors.
To sum up, we warmly ask :
1. any videos documenting any cultural actions, performing arts, artistic happenings, all by multi-disciplinary style;
2. to help us to find places in your country/town/sorroundings which can host the festival. Any location and any media to projet the films, is ok. I wish you to rimind the would-be partners abour the co-directing and co-management of the festival: that means in their own country , one can really set the festival programming as they preferr. The IDEAL thing is making our festival ESPRESSIONI happen within whatever already existing cultural event of yours , because the benefits are: make your own cultural event enriched by our project, appearing within the framework of Ue Media, being published in an official catalogue as requested by Ue Media Call and helping your local video-artist (if you have any to suggest us) to be inserted in an international audiovisual programme. It's like receiving from us an already made-cultural product and you make it happen in your region, allowing then the circulation of the festival which is a really important condition for Ue Media Commission.
Please, consider also the Calendar of Festival ESPRESSIONI: docu-film based on art/ performing arts storytelling.
end of April, 2010: deadline for Ue Media Call partecipation (please, consider this fot your kind response);
November, 2010: festival starting period in Milan (so there is no rush for sending us your video-docu);
2011 festival tour in Siena, Rome, Bari, Catania (Italy), Varna (Bulgaria), Athens (Greece) and presumably in your region if you agree to host it or in your own region in case you will find interest in it.
Expressions of interest can be sent to Mr. Giuseppe Esposito at: mob: +393284376908
Giuseppe Esposito
PERYPEZYE URBANE. via Moretto da Brescia 27, I-20133 Milano
T: +39 328 4376908 F: +39 (0)2 36513360
e-mail: web:
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