Ace Craftworks : Project title ' ReCreate - 2010'.

Ace Craftworks a non-private profit social enterprise, is looking for partners in Spain for a project to be submitted under the Culture Programme, Strand 1.2.1 (deadline: 1st October 2010).

Ace are looking for European partners from Spain, for a project called "ReCreate - 2010". The project aims to stimulate creative collaborations between professional artists from Andalucia or Galicia ( in Spain) who use community arts as a vehicle for social change. The proposed project will deliver 'hands on' , make and take, arts and crafts workshops in public settings. The aim is to promote cultural dialogues and collaboration between artists/makers from the South West of England and two regions in Spain. The main beneficiaries/participants, being local people from these areas. We welcome any new partner wishing to bring its creative and innovative contribution to the development of this project.

Rita Gupta

Community Art Coordinator

Ace CraftWorks design and deliver creative, fun, educational workshops in and around Bristol. Our team of creative practitioners offer a mobile service; available weekdays, weekends, evenings and school holidays. Clients include schools, colleges, young people's services, and corporate and private commissions.

Tel: 0117 9252929
Mbl: 07742 377 799

- Added Saturday, February 27, 2010

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