Partner for Interreg Bid

As part of the West Sussex County Council Arts Service, we are looking for European Partners to put forward a bid for Interreg 3 Funding under priority 3.

Our project aims to locate exciting and inspiring performance spaces in West Sussex for outdoor performance companies to use. Within the project we would like to echo the Creation Centre projects in France, by making our own Creation Centre in West Sussex. We hope to make links with sites in France where companies could create work and travel around the northern regions of france and South East regions of England. A large part of the work we hope the have in these spaces is working with communities, providing them with enriching programmes and workshops based around the work the performance companies are doing.

Once these spaces have been developed and located, they will be entered into a database website which companies can use to contact venue/space owners and make connections with other companies.

Expressions of Interest should be sent to:

Amy Curtis- project assistant WSCC Arts Service


- Added Monday, June 14, 2010

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