EMMKA/Klezfiesta 2010-International Klezmer Festival in Argentina,asking for funding organizations to bring European Orchestras

Regarding the Third Edition of EMMKA, Klezfiesta 2010/ Worldwide Klezmer Festival in Argentina that will take place in Buenos Aires and some other cities of the country in the second half of October and first days of November 2010 (Exact date: to be confirmed); I am glad to write you in order to ask for help. We need to cover the airfare of many European Musicians that are invited to our festival, and both, EMMKA and them can not afford for it.



To follow in the footsteps of the First and Second International Festivals that took place in 2008 and 2009, in order to merge all Argentine audiences and spread this international music genre of different styles, is that we decided to keep on this way to organizing the Third Edition, and also continuing on our task which is going beyond frontiers and languages, as well as helping to join the different cultures existing in Argentina and the world, encouraging deeper mutual knowledge, understanding, and acceptance within diversity.

But it is also an important goal for us:

To establish  cultural contacts between nations in the world, and specially between Argentina and Europe, due to the relationship between each other, and regarding the European Immigration to Argentina that has been an important phenomenon for us, specially during the last century. But also our recognition to Europe of its contribution to spread Klezmer Music through the centuries.


I must confirm you, that the festival will provide to the whole bands: accomodation with all day meals, local transportation, and English spoken guides for the whole time of the event.


The bands will be also invited to all different activities, such as opening ceremony, other concerts, workshops, masterclasses, and special activities for guests from abroad.


Unfortunately we are not able to pay for airfare to the bands. For that reason we do hope to get the necessary support from your organization.


 Due to the succesful results of both editions of Klezfiesta, we contemplate a wider event in the same format, with much more concerts and other cultural activities at theaters, cultural institutions, churches, synagogues, universities, open air stages on the streets, plazas and parks.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best regrads, and many thanks in advance,


Pedro Banchik


Ing. Pedro Banchik

Director  EMMKA

 Buenos Aires | Argentina

 Tel. (54-11)4826- 4918

 Cel. (54-11) 15-5388-0966  







2nd. Edition of  EMMKA
7 to 22  November 2009
(more than 10,000 visitors before the first month)
1st. Edition of EMMKA
15 to 21 September 2008 





Klezmer is integration. Music that touches your soul !!



- Added Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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