The "Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre - Project: Following I.B Singer`s traces

The "Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre from Lublin, Poland is looking for partners for a project to be submitted under the Culture Programme, Strand 1.2.1.
General description of the project:
Lublin and the Lublin region were favourite settings for stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer, the Literature Nobel Prize Winner. He was an unique writer, whose works made the region and especially its towns famous world-wide. The main idea of the project is to create artistic-educational Festival following I.B. Singer's traces which components include workshops and artistic events. All of that is prepared along with local organisations: schools, cultural centres, libraries, ngo's. Particular role in this project is played by a group of international volunteers who, together with youngsters and local communities, conduct cultural activities and animate the given space, creating unique programme drawing from tradition, culture and history.
Expressions of interest can be sent to Ms. Aleksandra Duź:
Ośrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN"
ul. Grodzka 21
20-112 Lublin
tel. (081) 532 58 67
fax. (081) 534 61 10

Ośrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN"
ul. Grodzka 21
20-112 Lublin
tel. 081 53 258 67
Please do not print this e-mail. It will save trees!

- Added Thursday, August 18, 2011

LegendFest- Festival of folk tales, legends and myths of Istria

LegendFest is a festival of folk tales, legends and myths of Istria and it takes place in Pićan- small and picturesque town in the heart ogf Istria.
The source of inspiration are tales, legends and myths from all over the world, storytelling, art (visual art and performance), theatre and any other creative representtion of this theme.
We are looking for European partners for a project to be submited under the Culture Programme, Strand 1.2.1.
Expressions of interest can be sent to Jelena Dabić at

- Added Friday, June 10, 2011

Request to post in opps our Call for Artists/ Projects

Dir Sir.
I would like to ask you if it is possible to post the following info in your web site.
Please let me know if i can be useful with some detail info.
Thank you in advance for your kind attencion.

Open Call for ARTErra Artistic Residence in Portugal

ARTErra is structure is placed in Lobão da Beira, a village in PORTUGAL, near Tondela, district of Viseu is now open to receive projects from artist.

The application must contain the following elements:

- Curriculum Vitae; and Bio
- Portfolio, videos, photos , musics...;
- Description of the project to be undertaken at ARTERRA, including the project's objectives, needs and expectations of residence ,work methodologies,and all the details necessary to understand the proposal;
- Ideal dates and time for the residence;
- Complementary information (needs for meals, number of persons involved, technical requirements, work characteristics and other additional information relevant to the work process).

ARTErra is a private structure of incentive for artistic creation in a quiet and green small village, which aims to facilitate en­counters between different artists and aesthetic disciplines. ARTERRA is strongly committed to offering the residents a cheerful and productive stay. Because of that, part­nerships have been established with the Municipality of Tondela and Lobão da Beira for reception and possible presentations of performative works, exhibitions, workshops, lectures, etc.

We offer two distinct spaces: the house where the residents can do the meals, rest, meet each other. In the other space, the "creation yard", with different work places, ateliers, studio, blackbox, documentation center and peaceful gardens.

Please visit our blog or our site at:

contact us:

Please contact us if you are looking for a place to develop your artistic project.

Best wishes
ARTErra Residências Rurais Artísticas

Micaela Ferreira
Skype: Arterraportugal

ARTErra Residências Rurais Artísticas

Micaela Ferreira
Skype: Arterraportugal

- Added Monday, May 02, 2011




    for more Details kindly write to the artistic director;Email...     or  festival consultants in  Santiago

the CEO,lake victoria special arts kenya project

the CEO,lake victoria special arts kenya project

- Added Monday, March 14, 2011

Culture Through Time: Project for Strand 1.3.5

Sakarya University searchs for partners for Strand 1.3.5. Cooperation projects. The project aims at the interaction of different cultures around a common concept. Activities are mainly for art students. Students from various countries will reinterpret the relation between space, time and audience. The main objectives of the project are: To gather art students who represent diverse geographies and art education systems, in collective activities and exhibitions; to create a transnational performance area where students are given the opportunity to produce artworks that will reflect the uniqueness of their culture; to provide an active participation of audience into the practice of arts.

For further details please contact
Ms. Tugba Ayas

Bu e-posta, SAÜ CAWIS WebMail kullanılarak gönderilmiştir :
Sakarya Üniversitesi ile ilgili bilgi, haber ve duyurular için :

- Added Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Otherworld - a floating theatre with water at its centre

Big Telly Theatre Company (Northern Ireland) is looking for European partners to collaborate with on its Otherworld (floating water theatre) project.


Big Telly is based in Portstewart on the North Coast of Ireland and it is this stunning coastal environment which is the inspiration behind our pioneering water theatre, and which has led us to develop this unique concept, Otherworld.


Otherworld is a floating theatre with water at its centre forming the stage, which will be anchored in harbours and rivers and reached by a fixed gangway. Inside, it will be used to present spectacular water-theatre, Celtic-inspired but also making connections to other myths with other worlds, such as the Greek Elysium, or the Valhalla of the Norse, and also to present community celebrations described below. Otherworld is a unique context to explore and celebrate our identity as islanders, the symbolic significance of water and our relationship with the coast.


Otherworld will be designed and built by a marine construction specialist, in collaboration with civil engineers, architects, environmental experts, a theatre design team and in consultation with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Otherworld will be a controllable environment, with its own generator for lights and sound, and its own hydraulic system for raising cast and set from the water beneath. The piece works on several levels – from the outside it will attract attention as an interesting and sympathetic installation, and audiences who attend a show will experience a totally innovative water-theatre spectacle.

Otherworld will be launched in harbours/rivers in N. I. during the summer of 2013, as part of Derry’s City of Culture Celebrations. The Otherworld is a concept shared by many cultures, and therefore this structure is a symbol of our internationalism and cultural diversity. It will have a significant impact for the whole community, as well as a deeper resonance for those who see a performance, visit the exhibition or participate in a water workshop. The involvement of local young people in its design is crucial, developing them as cultural ambassadors, furthering community connections through our inter-generational programme. In subsequent years we plan to tour Otherworld to the UK and international destinations.


Otherworld will develop new audiences, assist in the regeneration of harbours/ports, make new connections between harbours/ports and culture and boost tourism.  Otherworld will give people pride in their local environment as well as promoting tolerance, respect and understanding of other cultures. Otherworld is a perfect opportunity to highlight environmental issues, and the multi-disciplinary nature of this project presents exciting opportunities for cutting-edge collaborations involving young people, coastal communities, the world of water-sports and artists from all disciplines.


Otherworld will also present community based work such as floating exhibitions, storytelling, choral performances and function as a learning space and a cinema showing water themed work, with interactive effects.  Additional activities taking place in and around Otherworld will include water puppetry, displays from water sports clubs such as wake boarding, synchronised kayaking, sailing, projection of images onto sails, floating lantern processions, the decoration of bridges, choirs who sing from opposite shores, messages in bottles, coasteering treasure hunts, other initiatives which celebrate water as the essence of life and raise awareness about the importance of the coastal environment.


The company would welcome any new partner wishing to bring its creative and innovative contribution to the development of the project.


Please send expressions of interest to:

Louise Rossington (General Manager)

Big Telly Theatre Company


Tel/Fax: +44 2870 832588


For more information about the company please see


- Added Monday, February 07, 2011

Partner Search EU Culture Programme Bid (2007-13) - Transparent Boundaries (Textile Practioners & Architects)

The University offers a range of specialist courses in art, design, architecture, media and communications across five campuses in the South East of
England; UCA Canterbury, UCA Epsom, UCA Farnham, UCA Maidstone and UCA Rochester.

Our 6,505 students come from over 70 countries and are enrolled on pre-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Of our 821 staff, 266 are
academic staff, approximately half of which are research active. We have more than 50 partnerships with the creative industries, including global
companies based in the South East of England and over 80 international academic collaborations and partnerships with universities and colleges in 30

We are looking to submit an application under the EU Culture Programme (2007-13)Strand 1.2.1: Cooperation Projects in October 2011.

Transparent Boundaries is a trans-national collaborative project in which textile practitioners and architects explore lace net-works as a potential
medium for the questioning of material, political and personal boundaries.

The Project Director is Professor Lesley Millar. Over the last 13 years her area of research has explored the inherent, and apparently contradictory,
nature of cloth: that it is both an expression of cultural particularity and represents a language of making that that crosses national boundaries. She
is also interested in the relationship between textiles and the built environment.


We are seeking partners at two levels

  • Funded joint project partners

  • Partners to be part of a dissemination network

and are open to interest from a range of organisations including Universities, architects and textile practioners. However we do not wish to exclude
other organisations who may have an appropriate interest.

Deadline for responding: 15th Feb 2011

Potential partners will be contacted with a view to opening further dialogue. We hope to bring all potential partners together for a meeting to begin
to develop the partnership and work on the development of the bid.

Click to view this listing in full >>

- Added Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Culture Programme Strand 1.1 Project "European Small Ports"

Castellamare di Stabia Municipality (Naples – Italy) is looking for North European partners for a project to be submitted under the Culture Programme, Strand 1.1 (deadline: 1st October 2010).

Project: Cultural Heritage and tourist development of European Small Ports - ESP

Request of financing: € 2.200.000

Global Cost of the project: € 4.400.000 – 60 months

The overall objective of the project consists in the promotion of the social and economic development of the small ports placed in South and in the North of Europe, part in the Mediterranean Sea and part on the Atlantic and Baltic Sea.

The aim is the creation of a network based on a strong partnership among the ports of the involved countries, in order to strengthen the economic potentialities of the partners, through both the development of new markets and those already existing; The enhancement of the endogenous potentials of each partner through activities which point out the natural, cultural and artistic heritage through maritime, cultural and environmental events.

As general objective of the project we want to focus our gaze on the small ports, re-evaluating the know-how of each country involved, particularly related to archaeological and architectural aspects, agro-food products, the handicraft sector and the landscape, so to re-emerge the characteristic beauties of each port involved in the project.

Expressions of interest can be sent to Prof. Paolo Cutolo- Dicocom Srl or

- Added Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - a project for trans-national mobility of artists from all over Europe

MEDIENTRAKTOR e.V. is looking for partners for our new project called, that gives artists the opportunity to publish their works trans-nationally and hence become part of an international dialogue of artist from all over Europe. In the following, we would like to present our project and give you the opportunity to become an active part of it.. is a creative Internet platform that issues a challenge to European artists. We are giving them the possibility to exhibit their ideas about Europe and to create a multicultural dialogue through one minute video work (film, trailer, animation, collage, documentation etc). By joining our platform, the artists will not only present their piece of work. They will also become part of a trans-national virtual exhibition that will be staged on the Internet level. The project guarantees an international exchange of creative work. Through the partnerships with various European countries, a trans-national mobility among the partner organizations will be ensured. offers the chance to reflect all kinds of the European citizens´ positions concerning e.g. expanding Europe, cultural identity, criti-cism or life experience gained in different countries. - a project for trans-national mobility of artists

WE WILL APPLY AT 1st of October 2010. If you are interested in joining our project, please fill out our registration form attached to this email and send it back via email (, fax (+49 351 811 3754) or mail.

We are looking forward to working with you on this creative and intercultural project!

Best regards,

Sina Bredthauer

Medientraktor e.V.
PF 100603
01076 Dresden/Germany
Tel:         +49 351 41 889 679
Fax:        +49 351 811 37 54

- Added Monday, August 23, 2010

Schools as cultural hubs

MADE is an architecture centre and registered charity in the West Midlands region of the UK. We involve residents in designing their own neighbourhoods by making sure they work alongside architects and developers as equal partners in regeneration projects.

MADE wishes to develop a European partnership to establish schools as cultural hubs for the whole community. Culture can make schools become the heart of a community as well as enhance learning and educational performance. Schools could do more to invite the community onto their premises for cultural activity. Schools have facilities which should be used by the whole community for performance and exhibition. And schools could make better use of the cultural facilities beyond their school gates, like theatre spaces and dance studios, for student learning, performance and installations. The UK has been investing in new school buildings which have included new cultural facilities – but how do we make sure these are used by the community? In some areas, the capital investment programmes have allowed young people to work on design teams with architects and artists to design their new buildings, fabricate new artworks, design new school uniforms, and in some cases even change the school timetable. Although these capital investment programmes are being reduced, the school curriculum is being freed up, bringing more opportunities to embed arts and culture within schools.

- Added Monday, August 23, 2010

The role of culture in creating local places

MADE is an architecture centre and registered charity in the West Midlands region of the UK. We involve residents in designing their own neighbourhoods by making sure they work alongside architects and developers as equal partners in regeneration projects.

How does culture make a town or city distinctive and different from other towns and cities? MADE wishes to be part of a European partnership to show how citizens can use art and culture to build a ‘sense of place’, design better places, and regenerate their own neighbourhoods.


6-7 Newhall Square
Birmingham B3 1RY

- Added Monday, August 23, 2010

Playful Public Realm

MADE is an architecture centre and registered charity in the West Midlands region of the UK. We involve residents in designing their own neighbourhoods by making sure they work alongside architects and developers as equal partners in regeneration projects.

Children and young people can be excluded from public spaces through poor design. We seek partners to develop a European partnership which promotes arts and culture to improve public realm, especially by involving young people and families as active citizens to design (or re-design) public spaces. We would also like to build the confidence and skills of design professionals, like architects and planning officers, to work with residents as the clients when it comes to developing inclusive public realm.


MADE (Midlands Architecture and the Designed Environment)

6-7 Newhall Square
Birmingham B3 1RY

- Added Monday, August 23, 2010

Organizacja koncertów zespołu muzyki cerkiewnej w Europie, Australii , Azji

Subject : Organisation concerts Ensemble Music Ortodox in Europe , Australia , Asia

BODY : On the occasion of the 40 - anniversary of the Orthodox Church Music Ensemble under the direction of Father Jerzy SZURBAK, one of the world's finest interpreters of music of the Orthodox Church, looking for partners in Europe, Australia and Asia, willing to host concerts in their countries. The team would like to benefit from European Union subsidies to cover part of expenses, under a grant to the culture. Expect from the partner organizations shows, concerts and advertising organizations stay / bed and transport to the site.

All persons interested in cooperation, organizations, please contact:

Agencja Koncertowa Muzyka

Dorota Gębska

0048 22 754 66 56

+48 691 505 165

- Added Monday, July 26, 2010


"The Journey We Are All On"

This concept paper concerns the development of two pilot documentary series for Free-Awareness.


AWARENESS or "The Journey We Are All On" project objective is to raise the teaching of Free-Awareness from the realm of theory to the level of practice through introducing it to as many people as possible.

The teaching incorporates with an exceptional clarity and simplicity the wisdom of the ancient spiritual capital to date and rightly can be said that it interprets and unites all our experience, thinking and beliefs and is the journey we are all on.

Beginning, End, God, Mind, Matter, Powers, Elements… Awareness conquers all.


Project activities include shooting of two short documentaries about Free-Awareness.

The scenario is developed by Free-Awareness team.

Shooting is supposed to take place under one of the 5 tallest trees in the world (in California) and will be managed by Free-Awareness Association.


The series will be in English and will be offered to all major TV channels and media worldwide. A DVD together with the Free-Awareness book will be offered as well. Moments/segments of the series will be made available on the internet and will be electronically distributed to as many universities as possible.


One indicator for project sustainability is the rapidly growing number of Free-Awareness' followers and audience (1000 in the USA and 3000 in Europe and elsewhere for the last 3 months).

Other indicator is Free-Awareness' long-term strategy which annual plans include shooting subsequent short documentaries.

Third indicator is the growing tendency of ours to look to the small TV screen for all of our news, education and entertainment. We know the TV and internet together have beaten print media pretty well and our age is turning less-and-less-literary. Having this in mind, this project is to set the foundations of Free-Awareness' Globalisation Projects and help us all experience the "missing element" of our never ending spiritual desire – the infinite awareness.

Free-Awareness is looking for sponsors and financial support for the implementation of the "The Journey We Are All On" project.

Expressions of interest can be sent to Mr. Bentinho Massaro

- Added Wednesday, July 21, 2010

La Galerie Chor=?ISO-8859-1?B?6Q==?=graphique: Project /international Dance-Teater-Music Production

Artitistic project: “Les Enfants de la Forêts”
Trois artistes contemporains d’expérience, âgés de plus de 60 ans, se réunissent pour une création théâtrale, chorégraphique et musicale qui évoque l’enfance.
Ils sont de la génération, qui dans les années 70 et 80 a flirté avec les avants garde. Ils sont originaires respectivement d’Argentine, du Japon et de France. Leur fantaisie, leur goût de l’expérimentation et leur attachement aux valeurs humanistes les conduisent à se retrouver aujourd’hui autour de ce projet de création où ils exploreront des univers poétiques aux saveurs multiples.

La distribution: Graziella Martinez (danse/théâtre) , Shiro Daïmon (danse/théâtre/musique), François Rossé (musique/pianiste/compositeur)

Début des répétitions: automne 2011

"Children of the Forest"
Three contemporary artists' experience, aged over 60 years, meet for a theatrical creation, choreography and music that evokes childhood.
They are the generation who in years 70 and 80 has flirted with the front guard. They are respectively from Argentina, Japan and France. Their imagination, their taste for experimentation and commitment to humanistic values lead them to find themselves today around the project of creation or poetic universe they explore multiple flavors.

Distribution: Graziella Martinez (dance / theater), Shiro Daimon (dance / theater / music), Francis Thrashed (music / pianist / composer)

Rehearsals begin: Automn 2011

The network welcomes any new partner wishing to bring its creative and
innovative contribution to the development of the project: résidencies and funds for the production

Expressions of interest can be sent to
Directeur artistique
2 rue de la Tour d’Auvergne 11000 Carcassonne
Tel: 00 33 6 32 38 17 42

- Added Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dynamis Foundation. Project for artistic talents incubator

We are a Polish non-profit organization Dynamis located in Krakow. We plan to extend our activities by founding some kind of "talent incubator" which would start in the fall 2010 and consists of meetings every other weekend with well known Polish and international artists from different fields to show a wide range of artistic and cultural activities, inspire young people imagination and support their artistic research and development. We would like to have lectures and workshops with chosen artists, organize a multimedia exhibition with "Students" and "Masters" artworks in one of Krakow's galleries, have a website in Polish and in English where we could also put pictures of artworks, a blog written by students and coordinators and maybe organize a few lectures for larger public. We are looking for French and German partners: ngo's or/and other institutions having experience in similar projects and willing to help us to find 2-3 artists in their respective countries who would like to come to Poland, create a network with us, organize a study visit for us and host the exhibition for some time. We intend to apply for European regional founds to be able to finance the project.

Expressions of interest can be sent to Ms.Joanna Haldas at, phone: +48 501456776

- Added Thursday, July 08, 2010

World Literature-Francophonie-Censorship-Jean Genet-Literary Translation

FIT Literary Translation committee, a committee within the NGO, FIT,
is seeking a partner for an event, in Paris, November 2010, to show how censorship impacts, or not, on the work of Jean Genet, around the world, in this, his centenary year.
The event will look at Genet's work through theatre and translation, highlighting the work of literary translators. The event also includes partners from Norway, UK, and France. The group welcomes partners from the area of Francophonie wishing to bring their own specific contribution to the event.
Expressions of interest to: Ms Miriam Lee: fitlitter[at] [at] with @ when emailing
Tel: +353 86 82 45 345

FIT Literary Translation Committee
or skype: fitlitter

- Added Wednesday, June 30, 2010

European Clown Project

We are looking for a third project partner to join Central School of Speech and Drama (University of London) and the Escola de Clown de Barcelona for a Co-operation Project (strand 1.2.1). The project seeks to draw on trans-European traditions and contemporary practices of clown and clown training, to make and tour a major new clown performance and to build professional clown training opportunities across Europe.

Expressions of interest can be sent to Jon Davison, Clown Research Fellow, CSSD, at

Tel: +44 7796 155 546

- Added Monday, June 21, 2010

Partner for Interreg Bid

As part of the West Sussex County Council Arts Service, we are looking for European Partners to put forward a bid for Interreg 3 Funding under priority 3.

Our project aims to locate exciting and inspiring performance spaces in West Sussex for outdoor performance companies to use. Within the project we would like to echo the Creation Centre projects in France, by making our own Creation Centre in West Sussex. We hope to make links with sites in France where companies could create work and travel around the northern regions of france and South East regions of England. A large part of the work we hope the have in these spaces is working with communities, providing them with enriching programmes and workshops based around the work the performance companies are doing.

Once these spaces have been developed and located, they will be entered into a database website which companies can use to contact venue/space owners and make connections with other companies.

Expressions of Interest should be sent to:

Amy Curtis- project assistant WSCC Arts Service


- Added Monday, June 14, 2010

Misura 1.1. e 1.2 Citizen Ship

Ricerca partner per progetti scadenza settembre

Maria Brunella Stancato

Presidente Associazione Volare a S.Stefano

Referente Amministrazioni Comunali Calabria

0039 0984 446048

0039 328 1096591

- Added Sunday, June 06, 2010

Documentary series about integration of ethnic minorities in Europe - looking for partners & funding

Lobodocs (, a video production company for documentaries based in London is looking for European partners and funding for an exciting multimedia project with a TV component called ?One Europe?, which tackles positive example of integration of ethnic minorities in Europe. This project has many interactive and cross-platform potential.
We have already produced several documentaries and current affairs programs, with emphasis on international social and cultural issues (more info on our website). You can watch our demo reel here: (197MB).

If you wish to know more about the project, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact: Alejandra de Leiva

E-mail: alejandra.leiva[at] à Replace [at] with @ when sending

Organisation: Lobodocs (

Alejandra de Leiva
Executive Producer, Lobodocs

Phone: +44 (0)7719710427

- Added Friday, May 14, 2010

The theatre group "Fatias de Cá" from Portugal is looking for partners who believe that it is possible to act "The Tempest" in two languages.
On a familiar basis previous experience we had in France, where we acted "The Tempest" in three languages - Portuguese, French and Japanese, we concluded that it's a possible and culturally enriching real activity to achieve. The goal is to gather some of our actors and partners' actors to represent "The Tempest" in two languages. It would be an adapted version and takes about 1 hour. Also collateral activities are to be planned.
If you believe that it's possible and that this is a way of enlarging Shakespeare's plays to the european world and in an european way feel free to contact us and we will be available for a meeting.
The project sould be submitted under the Culture Programme strand 1.2.3 - deadline 1st October 2010
Contact person: Cláudia Gomes
Organization name: Fatias de Cá
Organizations website:
Email contact:

- Added Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Project: Represent THE TEMPEST from W.Shakespeare in two languages

The theatre group "Fatias de Cá" from Portugal is looking for partners who believe that it is possible to act "The Tempest" in two languages.
On a familiar basis previous experience we had in France, where we acted "The Tempest" in three languages - Portuguese, French and Japanese, we concluded that it's a possible and culturally enriching real activity to achieve. The goal is to gather some of our actors and partners' actors to represent "The Tempest" in two languages. It would be an adapted version and takes about 1 hour. Also collateral activities are to be planned.
If you believe that it's possible and that this is a way of enlarging Shakespeare's plays to the european world and in an european way feel free to contact us and we will be available for a meeting.
The project sould be submitted under the Culture Programme strand 1.2.3 - deadline 1st October 2010
Contact person: Cláudia Gomes
Organization name: Fatias de Cá
Organizations website:
Email contact:

- Added Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Light Emitting Vessel - Digital Cinema within an Art Gallery.

Australian Artist, Peter Toy, will be developing new works, (July to December 2010), for his Light Emitting Vessel which will be exhibited at the Oulu Museum of Art (Finland) in September and the Art & Cultural Studies Laboratory (Armenia) in December, 2010. 

The theoretical underpinnings of Peter Toy's work is explained.....  

Peter Toy welcomes any new partner wishing to contribute to the development of this project in Finland, Armenia or any other suggested location in Europe.

Expressions of interest can be sent to:
Peter Toy
More information:


- Added Sunday, May 09, 2010

Videopolis 2010 looking for Regional Partners

Videopolis 2010 is a traveling audiovisual exhibition that features urban life stories produced by local filmmakers from European and American cities. Created by Algo Bueno Management Cultura in Barcelona, with the Support of the Artehoy Foundation and Viart. Videopolis has been designed to travel and be screened in different events and venues generating an urban dialogue between audiences and creators from different locations.

Videopolis 2010 currently features more than 70 films in 4 categories (short films, documentary, experimental and animation) from more than 18 cities in America and Europe. It has already been screened at the Museum of Modern Art in Bogota and at the AAVE Festival at Malmitalo, Helsinki.

We are looking for venues, organizations and events across Europe that would be interested in screening the films and providing space and resources for workshops, lectures and courses for adults teens and children.

More information about Videopolis 2010 is available at 

For detailed information you can contact 
Jorge Rodriguez
Videopolis 2010 - Algo Bueno Management Cultura SCCL  phone +34934263935 (office hours 10h to 18h)
C/Sants 130, Barcelona 08028 SPAIN

- Added Thursday, April 29, 2010

EMMKA/Klezfiesta 2010-International Klezmer Festival in Argentina,asking for funding organizations to bring European Orchestras

Regarding the Third Edition of EMMKA, Klezfiesta 2010/ Worldwide Klezmer Festival in Argentina that will take place in Buenos Aires and some other cities of the country in the second half of October and first days of November 2010 (Exact date: to be confirmed); I am glad to write you in order to ask for help. We need to cover the airfare of many European Musicians that are invited to our festival, and both, EMMKA and them can not afford for it.



To follow in the footsteps of the First and Second International Festivals that took place in 2008 and 2009, in order to merge all Argentine audiences and spread this international music genre of different styles, is that we decided to keep on this way to organizing the Third Edition, and also continuing on our task which is going beyond frontiers and languages, as well as helping to join the different cultures existing in Argentina and the world, encouraging deeper mutual knowledge, understanding, and acceptance within diversity.

But it is also an important goal for us:

To establish  cultural contacts between nations in the world, and specially between Argentina and Europe, due to the relationship between each other, and regarding the European Immigration to Argentina that has been an important phenomenon for us, specially during the last century. But also our recognition to Europe of its contribution to spread Klezmer Music through the centuries.


I must confirm you, that the festival will provide to the whole bands: accomodation with all day meals, local transportation, and English spoken guides for the whole time of the event.


The bands will be also invited to all different activities, such as opening ceremony, other concerts, workshops, masterclasses, and special activities for guests from abroad.


Unfortunately we are not able to pay for airfare to the bands. For that reason we do hope to get the necessary support from your organization.


 Due to the succesful results of both editions of Klezfiesta, we contemplate a wider event in the same format, with much more concerts and other cultural activities at theaters, cultural institutions, churches, synagogues, universities, open air stages on the streets, plazas and parks.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best regrads, and many thanks in advance,


Pedro Banchik


Ing. Pedro Banchik

Director  EMMKA

 Buenos Aires | Argentina

 Tel. (54-11)4826- 4918

 Cel. (54-11) 15-5388-0966




2nd. Edition of  EMMKA
7 to 22  November 2009
(more than 10,000 visitors before the first month)
1st. Edition of EMMKA
15 to 21 September 2008

Klezmer is integration. Music that touches your soul !!



- Added Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CFCU Project Partner_Urgent!!

Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a non-governmental organization called Kas Tourism and Promotion Association. Our organization is in Kas, Turkey. Kas is one of the prominent tourism destinations in Turkey and it is 198 west of the famous tourism city Antalya. for further info about our town please click on the link:

This year, we are applying for a CFCU Culture and Arts project and we need a partner(partners) non-governmental organization(s) to take part in the project with us. We expect to work with NGOs which are dealing with cultural or artistic subjects. We aim at developing a cultural and artistic network among Turkish and Greek Associations. Our starting point is Lycian culture which is based on democracy and unity. Every year, we organize Lycian festival in June. By this festival, we want to introduce this Lycian culture to the world. We also aim at doing exhibitions, short film shots, festivals in project framework with our partner(s).

Here is some basic information about the project:

According to the Project guideline, the planned duration of action may not be lower than 9 months nor exceed 15 months. The Grant provided for the Project is minimum 50.000 EURO, maximum 150.000 EURO.

I also attached the application form and project guideline on the e-mail.

If you are a non-governmental organization dealing with culture and art, and if you want to take part in this project, please contact with us as soons as possible. We are going to submit the project on April 28th.

Best regards,


Kas Tourism and Promotion Association

0090 242 836 29 33


- Added Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Traditional Children Games

Dear All,
First of all, I want to tell my hopes to get over the ash clouds over Europe and breath fresh air. Bilsek is a Non Governmental and Non Profit Making Organization, located in Kahramanmaras province in the mediterranean region of TURKEY and actively working in the field of culture and implementing different types of projects with its dynamic members. Turkish Central Finance and Contracts announced a Call for Proposal financed by European Council in the area of culture and arts. We are going to submit a project having two partners. We have one from Spain and need one more. If you are a member of a Civil Organization which is an NGO and non profit making, you can contact me and get more information about what to do to take part in the project as a partner.
Any question will be kindly answered.
Kind Regards
Contact Person
Mr. Engin Pamir
Bilsek, Information, Communication, Art, 
Training and Culture Youth Organization
Kahramanmaras / TURKEY
Gsm: +905052958588

- Added Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Within the Culture Programme 2007-2013 promoted by the European Union, World Music intends to emphasize the Italian, Moldavian and Romanian folk music culture in order to achieve educational goals whose beneficiaries would be the young generations. The latter would get involved directly in the project through customs and traditions cultural exchanges of different nations characterized by the similarity of historical roots. 

One of the specific objectives is to spread knowledge of the Moldovan people within the societies involved in actions aimed at improving the peaceful coexistence between the two nations, Italian, Moldavian and Romanian, supporting a Community Policy which would promote the concept of integration in Europe.

   The above would reinforce the concept of belonging to a wider scope, the European one. 
The project intends to concretely promote the mobility of artists and cultural works that differ from territory to territory considered as the only action of the European system's common identity in the cultural sphere. 

   In addition, it plans to promote specific activities of cultural exchanges and twinning arrangements that would encourage an intercultural dialogue and sensitization between decision makers of the project partner countries. 
The future viability and replicability of the project are represented by inclusive strategies aimed at countries bordering the European territory, beyond the EU's borders through two other axis of the project, Axis  American Continent and Axis Asian Continent. 
This phase becomes possible thanks to an institutional scouting by public and private organizations, cultural associations, foundations, governments and other potential partners that point to the cultural sector for a sustainable economy, social development of the territories at micro and macro levels, by creating a unique network of collaboration related to the legal entities of the countries participating in the project. 


Gaetano Santi Cutrona
General Manager AWC GROUP
Business Cell. +39 349 5716526
Skype: cutrona.gaetano
SKype 2: awcgroup

- Added Friday, April 16, 2010

Solidarity of People: project for a sculpture plener and photo exhibition

Gdansk Common Foundation, non-governmental organisation from Gdansk/Poland, is looking for partner (from Norway, Lichtenstein or Island) for project to be submitted under The EEA GRANTS/NORWAY GRANTS (deadline: 30.04.2010).

This project is called "Solidarity of People". In autumn 2010 few Polish sculptors, in region Kaszuby (near to Gdansk), will be create pieces of stone sculptures inspiring of solidarity among nations facing tragedy, war etc.

We’re looking for partner who would organize similar plener in his country, on the same thame.

Then we’re planning the photo exhibitions about our two pleners (maybe also some film about it what means SOLIDARITY for Polish and other artists).

The last step is exchange - Polish photo exhibition would be presented on Partner’s area and Partner’s exhibition would be shown in Poland.


Please, contact via e-mail with Marzena Switala,; tel. +48501743555.

More info about our organisation:

- Added Friday, April 16, 2010

Partner search for Culture and Art

"KUTAV (Culture and Promotion Foundation of Kutahya-Turkey)" have a project proposal and is looking for EU partners on Civil Society Dialogue II Culture and Art program to make cultural and artistic activities.

The deadline for submission our proposal is 3 May 2010 at 16:00 hr (Local time).
I have also attached a short presentation of our organisation
Thank you in advance for your consideration . I am looking forward to hear from you in a few days to talk more about this opportunity and to see if you have any questions.

Feel free to contact me:
                             Fax: +90-274 212 20 00
                             Phone: +90 546 205 4811


- Added Thursday, April 15, 2010

Partner search Culture and Art

"KUTAV (Culture and Promotion Foundation of Kutahya-Turkey)" have a project proposal and is looking for EU partners on Civil Society Dialogue II Culture and Art program to make cultural and artistic activities.

The deadline for submission our proposal is 3 May 2010 at 16:00 hr (Local time).
I have also attached a short presentation of our organisation
Thank you in advance for your consideration . I am looking forward to hear from you in a few days to talk more about this opportunity and to see if you have any questions.


- Added Thursday, April 15, 2010

New partner search

             Mugla/Yerkesik Authentic Children's Games and Puppets Festival (CSD-II/CA)
The Turkish non-profit organization Textual Science Institution Association is looking for European partners for a project to be submitted under the call Civil Society Dialogue II Culture and Art program.

The project will be coordinated by Textual Science Institution Association and supported by Menteşe Group Association, Governor of Mugla and Municipality of Yerkesik. It is planned to implement a festival which will be named as "Yerkesik Authentic Kids Games and Puppets Festival"


Project Objectives: Kids games and puppets are gradually getting synthetic and virtual day by day. This causes the children's creative features weaken and even vanish. As a result, they become consumer individuals. This fact, not only ignore the individual which is identified as a "social being" but also it causes intellectual, emotional and even physical laziness. Technologically developing globalisation and virtual games will bring out one type and techno-man model. This project is considered to be prepared in order to confront the negative prediction, provide the children contribute to the life actively and efficiently and keep them away from being inactive and simple individuals. Within the local, national and transnational activities, the innocence of the childhood will be again reminded and with the creative games and puppets "return of the human to human and nature" will be emphasized.


Project Implementation: The project is planned to be implemented in Yerkesik  by displaying kids' games and puppets by competitions and demonstrations.

For more information please contact us.


Contact person: Aysegul Ercan, EU and Foreign Relations Coordination Center

Tel: +90 252 212 10 13

Fax: +90 252 212 10 19




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- Added Thursday, April 15, 2010

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